White Papers
Larnaca Successfull BOOT Project Nears Completion
This paper describes the main components of a successful B.O.O.T. project covering the following subjects: *Basic Plant layout, * Commissioning of plant and setting parameters, * Operations and maintenance,* Plant availability, Final phases of a B.O.O.T. project.

IDE Team
Larnaca Desalination Plant was the first large scale sea water reverse osmosis plant which was built by IDE Technologies Ltd and is solely owned and operated by I.D.E. staff. It is currently in the final year of a 10 year BOOT project (Build, Own, Operate, and Transfer). The plant has a current maximum design capacity of 64,000M³/day. Plant construction started in early 2000 and was commissioned and online by July 2001. The Original contract was for a design capacity of 48,000M³/day, but has been upgraded twice since signing the original contract to its current capacity of 64,000M³/day The plant fulfills all its contractual obligations with regard to Quantities of water produced, specific energy consumption and quality of water according to W.H.O. and E.U. standards.