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IDE provides advanced, effective reuse of water and wastewater for mining operations


Mining is a cornerstone of the global economy, contributing significantly to the production of essential materials used in everything from construction to consumer electronics.


Mining operations require a substantial amount of water and, in turn, produce a significant volume of contaminated wastewater. The treatment of this water is crucial, not only for operational efficiency but also to mitigate the environmental impacts associated with mining activities.


Water used in mining often becomes contaminated when rocks containing sulfidic minerals are exposed to water and oxygen, leading to the production of acidity and high concentrations of metals and sulfates. The primary types of water encountered in mining include mine drainage, process water, and storm water from industrial activities. Addressing these challenges effectively requires comprehensive treatment strategies to neutralize acidity and remove metals.

IDE specializes in state-of-the-art technologies designed for the effective reuse of water and wastewater in the mining sector

Our board range of comprehensive solutions are designed to meet your mining water challenges:

  • SWRO for feed water
  • Nano Filtration (NF) for metal recovery
  • PFRO, DESALTER, MVC for tailings and post closure
  • DESALTER for removal of sulfate from effluent

Meeting Your Mining Operation’s Water and Wastewater Treatment Needs


IDE’s solutions cater to various applications, including: makeup water, process water, metal recovery, tailings and post closure. Our solutions ensure that your  wastewater operations not only meet regulatory standards but also achieve operational efficiency and environmental sustainability.


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Paving The Way To Net-Carbon-Zero Desalination

Calculate your SWRO plant’s CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions and learn about its carbon footprint and how it can be reduced.
