Home IDE Tech > IDE Wins International Competitive Tender to Finance, Design, Construct and Operate Israel’s Western Galilee Desalination Plant

IDE Wins International Competitive Tender to Finance, Design, Construct and Operate Israel’s Western Galilee Desalination Plant

Published: 14/11/22

IDE is excited to announce it will construct Israel’s 7th large desalination plant, located in Western Galilee and expected to produce 100 million cubic meters of water annually to improve the reliability of Israel’s water supply to Haifa, the Western Galilee and Upper Galilee regions.

IDE is excited to announce it will construct Israel’s 7th large desalination plant, located in Western Galilee and expected to produce 100 million cubic meters of water annually to improve the reliability of Israel’s water supply to Haifa, the Western Galilee and Upper Galilee regions.

The Western Galilee desalination plant, to be named Birkat Miriam, will join Israel’s other large scale desalination plants in operation – Ashkelon, Ashdod, Palmachim, Hadera, Sorek 1 and in-progress Sorek 2 – as part of a government effort to increase the amount of desalinated water in the country’s overall water resources. The water contribution from the Western Galilee plant will bring total production of desalination plants in Israel to almost 900 million cubic meters per year. This water represents 85-90% of household and industrial water consumption.

This new project marks the second time in two years that IDE secured a bid to construct a desalination plant in Israel. IDE was selected out of a large group of competitors for its advanced technology, competitive pricing and industry-leading reputation in Israel and across the globe.

IDE will construct the plant as part of a Public Private Partnership (PPP) with the State of Israel, represented by the Ministries of Finance and Energy and the Israel Water Authority, and will be responsible for planning and financing the approximately 1.5 B (Shekels) project. With a goal of completion in 2025, IDE will also operate the plant for 25 years beyond the project term.

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Paving The Way To Net-Carbon-Zero Desalination

Calculate your SWRO plant’s CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions and learn about its carbon footprint and how it can be reduced.
