Home IDE Tech > IDE Water Technologies Launches Israel’s First Reclamation Plant

IDE Water Technologies Launches Israel’s First Reclamation Plant

Published: 03/06/21

We’re excited to announce that after securing the bid with Emek Hama’aynot Water Corporation, IDE designed, built and is now proudly operating the unique Afikey Maim reclamation plant – a first of its kind brackish/surface water reverse osmosis (BWRO) plant in Israel!

The Afikey Maim Facility reuses the southern Jordan River brackish/surface water, so the recently polluted river water can again be a valuable resource for agriculture and industrial use in the region. Supported by IDE’s advanced process, the facility will provide approximately 280 m3/h (2,000,000 m3 per year) of high-quality water to Israel’s Gilboa area, in addition to about 70 m3/h of brine for fish farming ponds.

IDE’s advanced process addresses the high algae and organic matter concentration in the feed water, using coagulation and sedimentation, sand filtration, micronic filtration, ultrafiltration and desalination to operate at a 80 percent recovery rate. This ensures continuous operation and empowers the facility to increase the fresh water supply while contributing to Israel’s water economy and regional development.

Additionally, the water produced from the facility will aid the Gilboa pumped storage project, leveraging two hydroelectric turbines to compensate for evaporation losses from the reservoirs.

Paving The Way To Net-Carbon-Zero Desalination

Calculate your SWRO plant’s CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions and learn about its carbon footprint and how it can be reduced.
