Home IDE Tech > IDE Water Technologies CEO Speaking at the Abu Dhabi 2022 TAQA World Utilities Congress, Global Leadership Panel

IDE Water Technologies CEO Speaking at the Abu Dhabi 2022 TAQA World Utilities Congress, Global Leadership Panel

Event Date: 12/05/22

IDE CEO Alon Tavor will be a strategic conference speaker at the 2022 World Utilities Congress, addressing the role of water desalination in tackling global water scarcity.

IDE Water Technologies CEO Alon Tavor will attend this year’s World Utilities Congress conference in Abu Dhabi, May 9-11, as a strategic conference speaker on the Global Leadership Panel. The conference, hosted by TAQA, brings together more than 200 global utilities industry expert speakers, reaching an audience of 10,000 trade visitors, to network, share insights and discuss strategies as companies implement proactive measures to digitize power and water systems, control emissions and attract capital investments.

With at least half of the global population predicted to live in water-stressed areas by 2025, Alon’s panel – scheduled for May 10, 14:00-15:00 GST – will focus on the role of water desalination in tackling global water scarcity. The session will present potential strategies and policies for ensuring consistent water supply globally, and sustainable management of water resources.

Are you planning to attend World Utilities Congress this year? We’d love to connect at the show! We also welcome you to explore our website and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to learn more about IDE’s comprehensive suite of water solutions.

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Calculate your SWRO plant’s CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions and learn about its carbon footprint and how it can be reduced.
