Home IDE Tech > EU Delegation of Commercial and Scientific Counselors Visits the Hadera Desalination Plant

EU Delegation of Commercial and Scientific Counselors Visits the Hadera Desalination Plant

Published: 21/01/20

Commercial and Scientific Counsellors from various European embassies based in Israel toured the Hadera Desalination Plant and learned more about IDE’s proprietary technologies

A delegation from the European Union visited the Hadera Desalination Plant, accompanied by Commercial and Scientific Counselors from several European embassies based in Israel. During the tour, they had the opportunity to meet with representatives from IDE Technologies and learn more about the company’s advanced desalination solutions. The group included Mr. Eyal Inbar, the EU Economic and Trade Affairs Manager; Mr. Sandor Szelekovszky, EU Head of Trade and Economic Section; and Ms. Inge Getkate, and Ms. Stefane Dor of the EUTrade and Economic Section. The delegation also included representatives from the embassies of Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Romania, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Slovakia in Israel.

Miki Tramer, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, led the tour of the Hadera Desalination Plant, demonstrating the ways that many countries in the EU that are dealing with water scarcity and have growing water concerns can benefit from IDE solutions. IDE’s numerous solutions for both the industrial and municipal water sectors present a tremendous opportunity for the EU to mitigate a range of water issues across the continent.

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