Home IDE Tech > Brazil’s Minister of Science and Technology Visits the Hadera Desalination Plant

Brazil’s Minister of Science and Technology Visits the Hadera Desalination Plant

Published: 21/11/19

Brazil’s Minister of Science and Technology, Mr. Marcos Pontes, accompanied by a large delegation, visited the Hadera Desalination Plant

From left to right: Mr. Dror Aloni, IDE Sales Director for Latin America, Mr. Marcos Pontes, Brazil’s Minister of Science and Technology, Mr. Guy Sagie, CEO of IDE Projects, Luis Fernando Correa Machado, Brazilian Embassy – Head of the Division for Technology Promotion, and Mauricio Pazini Brandão, Secretary of Applied Technologies, toast with high-quality desalinated water.

Brazil’s Minister of Science and Technology, Mr. Marcos Pontes, accompanied by a large delegation, visited the Hadera Desalination Plant. The Brazilian delegation included Mr. Paulo Vasconcelos, Ambassador of Brazil to Israel;  Mr. Mauricio Pazini Brandão, Secretary of Applied Technologies and Mr. Luis Fernando Correa Machado, Head of the Division for Technology Promotion, Embassy of Brazil.

Mr. Guy Sagie, CEO of IDE Projects, and Mr. Dror Aloni, Sales Director for Latin America, led the tour at the Hadera Desalination Plant, during which they highlighted how proprietary IDE technologies can address growing water challenges in Brazil. As Brazil continues to face challenges of water scarcity and industrial water management, IDE’s solutions could open the door for Brazil to mitigate growing water concerns. The Brazilian delegation was impressed by IDE’s capabilities and experience resolving water problems both for municipal and industrial markets.

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